At what point is it NOT worth it?

Mar 04, 2006 23:00

Today was the worst day at Bdubs ever. Even worse than Super Bowl Sunday.

We had three billion people all walk in at the same time (ok exaggeration, but we DID have about 3 sports teams come in together, and this was at 11:30, before we had really prepped the kitchen much). The wait-time on food was upwards of 50 minutes, and everyone was complaining. I did everything I could to pacify the customers, but even so, the manager had to refund about $300 worth of food today. Two big rushes later, it was 4:30 and I was beat. All I wanted to do was go home, and (of course) the manager kept finding little things for me to do before I could leave. My one consolation: By the end of the week, I should be sitting pretty when it comes to funds. YAY.

I was so relieved to see Eric's face tonight, not because I really missed him, though I'm always happy to see him. No, I was happy to see him because he came in at 5:00, and my relief was due in at 5 as well.

And now, to rest with me.
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