Well, time for an update, I suppose.
Thursday night, went to a party at Ty's house. Do not know what to think about the way the evening progressed. Successfully refrained from calling everyone that I was oh-so-tempted to call. Did not refrain from talking online until 3am.
Friday, morning came insanely early. Went to my 1 hour 9 o'clock class, came home, napped from 10 til noon. Got some Jimmie John's with Annette (*FREE*) and we watched the film we appropriated from the Wares Fare on Wednesday. Found it to be less than satisfying. Then Annette took off for home, and I began my first weekend alone in Mt. Pleasant. Cleaned my apartment like a white tornado, read, ate a lot of watermelon. Got ahold of Jenna, Joe, and Becca, and decided to head out to Kaya, a local coffeehouse, at 9:30. We got some drinks and just sat around and talked for awhile (it was SO nice to finally see Jenna again, oh my goodness) and then headed back to Jenna and Becca's apartment to watch tv (Night Court, Cheers, and M*A*S*H) and play Apples to Apples, which I had never played before. Good game. Ate some pasta, talked to Mikey, came home and crashed.
Woke up late (ten-thirty - HEY, it's late for ME!!) and showered. Thought about going shopping at SBX but didn't; I don't have the money to buy a shirt right now. At about 1ish, the gang came to pick me up for lunch. We went to a place called "Max and Emily's", grabbed the best sandwich I think I have ever eaten, and brought it to Island Park to picnic it. We milled around at the parks for awhile, checked out the adjacent cemetary, admired the strange names and lamented the child-deaths. We also watched the caged deer for awhile and decided that they need grass. So sad to see so many of those graceful animals in such a small, unnatural place. After that, we went to "The Welsh Dragon", a used bookstore, and a very entertaining comic book store, and then to a baby clothes store to help Becca pick out clothes for her niece.
When they dropped me off, I did homework, watched tv, and just killed time. Later, like, 1am, I hear from Joe, and he's still in town, and is going to come over and crash in a little bit, do i mind? Of course not, especially if you are going to bring Burger King! So Joe came over, we ate, he looked at my computer to determine that my internet provider has a firewall that doesn't allow for unauthorized downloading -_- . So I can't download shit here. Please please please, someone hook me up with some Coldplay, and Aqualung!!!! I'm dying for it. ::Dies:: Joe and I talked until about 3:30, then we went to bed.
Woke up at 9:30 after some intensely strange dreams.
I dreamt that my sister and I were trying to vandalize her boyfriend's house, by lighting candles all over on the floor of his basement. My sister was driving the "getaway truck", my dad's Ford Ranger, and she's driving extremely slow (35mph) down Jay road, as if we had been at Danny's. I'm screaming at her to drive faster, she refuses. Cut to police station, where my dad is trying to get someone out of jail. My sister is standing against the wall, sobbing. I tell her that she looks suspicious, she's going to have to calm down, get it together. End dream sequence.
Start new dream sequence. I dreamt that a science teacher from Whitehall, assumably Mr. Mahan, though I don't remember, has an odd bug in an odd jar. He is very proud of his bug, as it is one of only 7 that have been identified in the world. It begins as a fuzzy little rodent-like creature, which we must look into a nest-like area of the jar to view, but by the end of the dream, it is a cricket-like jumping insect, which can hop about 5' in the air. I am observing the creature, when it escapes from the jar. The remainder of the dream sequence is spent in an unsuccessful attempt to return the jumping bug to his jar.
Joe and I talked until about 2:30, when he decided to head back towards Whitehall. I like talking to Joe. =)
Which leads me to now. Now, I am going to continue to read the bazillions of chapters that I must read for my classes. Boo. Homework blows.