It's my last week/weekend, and no one is even going to be around....

Aug 24, 2005 21:15

Wow, my dad is amazing. He can bring a person down in less time than anyone I know...

I called him tonight like I do; he insists that we call him every night at 9, and he asks me how much money I have left. Well, the answer is not much. Or, at least, not much compared to how much I started out with. And he wanted to know how I planned on making things work. Well, the answer to that question HAS to involve loans, which my dad is dead set against.

There is no way to make it out of college without debt. Especially if you go away to a university.

He doesn't understand that, and he's scared that I won't be able to pay off my debts. I will. I'm not against working hard, and when I make a promise (ie. "I promise to repay this money") I keep it. Sigh. He wrapped up the conversation with this: "Well, Kelly, it's a bad plan. I don't know how you're going to make it. I probably won't see you. I'm working all weekend. Call on your cell phone if it doesn't cost you anything. If it does..."

Well. It doesn't cost me anything, so I guess I'll call my dad. Even though he IS a thunderhead over any picnic. It's not like I'm not already freaking out about finances, or about travel expenses (he tells me not to come home at all, I can't afford it, if people want to see me, they'll have to come visit). I CAN'T NOT visit Earl some weekends...or my sister, or the homebound bitches. I refuse to be my bank account's hostage.
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