Nov 01, 2004 16:05
if i were a carpenter.. Indeccisiveness can be really bad or good depending on how you look at it. get it! i should make a big list of clever little sayings like that and Forward them to everyone i know. Then i'll be popular because everyone loves a chain letter.
Hey TEXANS: You suck. I am tired of Texans and their stupid inflated egos. Get over it, Texas isnt that great. I can think of a lot of places i would rather live. Just because you were once an independent country dosent make a difference. it was over a hundred and forty years ago. And the politics of this place are downright ridiculous. Oh man, i almost forgot about the people who havent lived anywhere else but Texas and dont plan to, but still criticize everyother place like it is a backwater hicksville. That shit drives me nuts.
ALSO, people who only listen to one type of music and wont see any type of merit in any other types of music. I have to say that RAP and COUNTRY listeners have the worst tendency to do this. Stupid white people and black people. Everyone is really dumb. except for me. and STING.