I'm beginning to realize that my service to Eris is leading me down particularly odd personality paths of late. The fact that I identify with buddhist philosophy does not negate my deep appreciation of the discordian nature of being. My sense of humor is so deeply entrenched in pushing the boundaries of my own mind space that I'm losing "normal"
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Can I ask you a question..
Can there be such a thing as "everything"?
By "everything" I mean whatever there is conceptually perceived from without.
My stance is there is such a thing as "everything" and it takes that everything to make me who I am. That is as close to god as I can rest upon from a scientific understanding.
The way I explained it to Mike once was like this. Scientifically what do I need to make me, me?
I need blood, bone, hair, water, cells.
What else do I need to make me?
Well without gravity my ancestors would have never been, so I need gravity. I need gravity as much as blood, bone, hair and cells to make me.
What else?
I also need time in which to exist or more accurately I need to be following times arrow or else I don't have the ability to think, talk, feel etc
What else?
I need space and the "laws" of physics. Without those there is no me.
So I am time, space, gravity, laws of physics, cells, blood bone - atoms, fundamental particles, wavicles, fuzzy logic.
You can't remove any of that stuff, because if you do I am no longer me.
So in as much as I am the interactions of brain cells, blood, flesh and bone, I am gravity, time, wavicles, quantumn particles.
I may not be every quantumn particle or wavicle, but then I'm not every bone or brain cell. If you don't have issue with defining "me" by terms of flesh then you must also define me in terms of time and particles.
It is not that I - "Kelly" am all of everything (god) it is that I GOD (everything) am all of "Kelly."
So now you can say 'Ah yes, but everything is not the same as a supreme being who can think and control all - not a supreme creator!' and you would be right.
But, it is fact that whatever "everything" is and has been, has created
the "you" that exclaims that there is no god.
It's not about GOD or any religious mumbo jumbo, it's having the perspective of everything whilst never being able or needing to define it.
I'd love to hear your view on that.
Aaaaand you'll get a proper answer once I've had a chance to think about it - and as I'm gaming tonight and then off to London for the weekend first thing tomorrow I'll have a couple of days to mull it over.
Cheers for the thought-provoking!
Darn tootin!
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