I'm beginning to realize that my service to Eris is leading me down particularly odd personality paths of late. The fact that I identify with buddhist philosophy does not negate my deep appreciation of the discordian nature of being. My sense of humor is so deeply entrenched in pushing the boundaries of my own mind space that I'm losing "normal"
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I've been having 'reality failures' as long as I can recall. The big early one when I was about 12 - which made most of my life pretty ...er... intersting
I never went much for the new agey stuff, or conspiracy theories (I think that the brain making too many connections can give you creativity, mania or paranoia - depending on degree).
couple of things I often say that seems indicate that we are thinking the same sort of stuff.
"I am the me that survives".
"The trouble with most people when they hear the voice of god in their head is that they don't recognise the voice."
Have you ever been a sleepwalker (I used to be)? Very interesting with respect to your 'about 3 brains' thing. There are a few distinct 'levels' of awareness. I'd describe one as about the level of a dog. Scared of thunder and lightning, no speech or comprehension of words - except for my name. Capable of walking about, safely crossing roads etc. Startle out of sleep ready to fight at anyone barring my partner entering (or approaching) my room. Do have an awareness of self - but far different to 'usual'. Can't really verbalise it very well for obvious reasons. It feels very very different indeed....
sociopathic cuddles all round :-)
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