Jul 04, 2007 08:15
It seems the UK wing of Al Queda (translation: The Database) learned their terrorism techniques by watching the Keystone Cops.
In the time of IRA bombings, they managed to murder and cause massive disruptions without a single politician calling for identity cards or removal of people's civil liberties.
Al Queda got it's name from the database of Mujahadeen members who were willing to go on the pay role of the CIA and do the bidding of US/UK interests in Afghanistan. The CIA trained these people how to be terrorists because at the time it suited them to use them against the invading Soviet forces.
In other news, Scooter Libby, Dick Cheney's chief advisor and a man found guilty in a fair trial of perjuring himself to a grand jury had his prison sentence commuted and may possibly gain a full pardon from squeaky clean US president George Wanker Bush.
The fact that Libby lied under oath is bad enough, the fact he did so in order to cover up the treasonous act of outing a CIA agent for revenge politic is much, much worse.
We have now reached an age where the media and education system has people so apathetic and self absorbed that the established elite don't even attempt to hide their disdain for the law and popular vote anymore.
Look at the Democrats still pretending to be powerless to stop the Iraq occupation despite the fact that they blatantly only took Congress on an anti-war vote.
It used to make me angry, the sheer apathy and ignorance of most people. It's so bad now I actually find it utterly fascinating. I couldn't understand how facism could arise in a relatively rich, democracy during the 1920's and 30's. It's only in retrospect does it seem obvious how the "unlikely" event of despotism occurred. It only takes good people to do nothing.
Right now we're not even saying anything let alone failing to act.
Don't trust the news articles of the BBC, only trust local press and other independent news sources.
Everything else is part of the problem.