Thought this survey deserved a post all of its own. I'll use cuts again to make sure I'm not spamming your F-Lists *too* much.
I found it at
_blanksurveys_. Feel free to take this survey yourself if you like. =)
Are you fluent in any foreign languages?:: Spanish (I still have to work a lot to be fluent in Mandarin)
What classes have you taken in high school/college dealing with foreign languages?:: French (to GCSE level) and Mandarin Chinese (university)
If so, how many levels?:: 4 years of it, one year of which was spent in China
Are you currently learning any foreign languages?:: Yes, but not seriously as I'm too much of a procrastinator. Ones I am currently attempting to get anywhere with are Dutch, Malay and Azeri.
Is there any language that you want to learn?:: Too many! Armenian, Basque, Galician, Georgian, Indonesian, Romanian, among others.
::Saying a word::
(Can you say ANY word in the following languages, and what does it mean?)
Please excuse my bad spellings of some words as I only know how to *say* them. ^_^
Greek:: Efkaristo (thank you), kalimera (hello?)
French:: Can have a fairly decent basic convo so not going to bother posting words here :P
Arabic:: Naam (yes), la/le (no), shukran (thanks), insh'allah (if Allah wills it)
Portuguese:: bom dia/tarde/noite (good day/afternoon/evening), obrigado/a (thanks), and a few others (too lazy to post everything)
English:: No, can't speak this one at all.. :P
Spanish:: Not going to bother since it's my second native language
German:: Auf wiederschen (bye), guten tag/mittag/abend (good day/afternoon/evening), jah/nein (yes/no), danke schon (thanks), danke (thanks), Sprechen Sie..? (do you speak..?), Ich spreche keine Deutsch (I don't speak German), Ich verstehe nicht (I don't understand) and some others
Russian:: Da/nyet (yes/no), zdrasvitye? (hello), dasvedanya (bye)
Creole:: None
Chinese/Mandarin:: Same as with Spanish and French
Hebrew:: Mazel tov (congrats), layla tov (good evening?), ivrit (Hebrew)
Korean:: Anyeong haseyo (hi), ne/aniyo (yes/no)
Italian:: Again, not going to bother as I know more than I feel like typing
Japanese:: konnichiwa (hi), konba wa (good evening?), sayonara (bye), o-genki desu ka? (How are you? Are you well?), arigato gozaimasu (thanks) and maybe some more I've forgotten now
Swahili:: Hujambo? (How are you?)
Swedish:: Does imitating the Swedish Chef count?
Polish:: Not idea how to spell this one but it sounds like djen kuie
::Random Questions::
-Have you ever went into talking in another language while speaking another?:: Do it all the time back home and occasionally get my languages mixed up
-Have you ever had a dream in another language besides your native language?:: Probably just Spanish
-Ever read a manual in another language and did you understand it?:: Yes (Spanish, Chinese)
-Have you ever thought of traveling to another country as a tourist?:: Always
-If so, what country(ies) would you like to travel to?: Too many to list
-Have you ever thought of attending school in another country as an exchange student?:: Have done so already (Chinese in Tianjin, China)