Day Ten--- throws confetti in air

Dec 20, 2013 22:35

I did it! Yay me! It was hard but not as hard as I initially thought.

I think I mostly talked about TV, which is one of my favorite subjects anyway. I wanted to talk more about writing but since my own has stalled, it just all seemed blocked.

I just found a playlist labeled, 'Inspire.' Okay I WILL write something(story wise) tonight. Just five sentences.

I can't wait to watch more robots, cops and their patriotic 200 hundred something year old partners, (plus some Jirving. I am here for the Jirving), more Justified Cops and elegant Cannibals.

Thank you for reading. I have felt more in touch with all the people I have met here through various ways and means and hopefully will continue to do so.

Later, Taters!

P.S. Does anyone else hear "there's a bathroom on the right," instead of "there's a bad moon on the rise," in Creedence Clearwater Revival's 'Bad Moon Rising?'

day meme

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