Stuff and other stuff and Teen Wolf

Jul 10, 2013 00:50

Omg, someone drag me off of Itunes and the Motown-The Musical Soundtrack. Jesus. I just bought two Supreme Songs and Shotgun by Jr Walker and The All Stars. 'Shotgun' was one of my mom's favorite songs.

*Eyes Itunes* Maybe a few more?

I'll probably visit that list again before the week is over. I just...what If I have some sort of Temptations related emergency? Or what if I really need 'My Guy' crooned to me?

I love all types of music and have educated my kids on various genres. K loves 'Son of a Preacher Man' and will sing the whole thing to me. We all know some Dixie Chicks and Tim McGraw. Ever want to see four people in a SUV singing about The cowboy in me at the top of our lungs? Good times.

Teen Wolf

Just me of did this ep remind anyone of the Angel episode, Hyperion? With Angel in the hotel and the demon driving everyone crazy? I loved that episode and kind of really wanted Angel to show up.

I loved Allison telling Lydia she believed her. After season 2 I bet that meant a lot to Lydia.

Allison taking a shower in the motel? Has she never seen Psycho?

I don't care for Jennifer Blake. All of her and Derek's interactions just make me twitch. Not just because she is a love interest but because her interactions with Derek are a little off. I did like her intro into her class but after that? The Alpha pack and their ability to take or add memories is making me suspicious of everything.

I know there as been a lot of wank about her(at least over in the corner of Tumblr I hang out in) but i'm old school slash and if I thought they had chemistry I'd ship them or ship them and Stiles(I believe in OT3 sometimes, Hi! White Collar,P/E/N). Or just read and write a lot of Stiles/Derek.. I'm used to my OTP not getting together. I may change my mind later about her, so we'll see.

I don't trust Cora either.

Boyd! His sister disappeared at a ice skating rink! And he works at one! Someone on Tumblr suggested he works at at an Ice skating rink because he believes that is where he'll find her or because he's looking out for other kids.

Isaac, oh Isaac. All this pain for Isaac makes him more of a woobie. Fandom loves Woobies. I liked how Isaac didn't try and kill himself, he just hid away.

Ethan trying to cut himself open, makes me wonder he could have killed himself before the werewolf healing kicked in.

Scott! I love Scott.

Someone said Stiles talking Scott down was their 'yellow crayon' moment a la Buffy. Yes, yes. And I also loved Stiles 'you have to take me with you.' That was also what I call a 'Ride or die' moment.

Did anyone see the face in the flames or just Lydia? I think it was just her but the rest should believe her.

I also like how Stiles told her it might be her since she'd been doing things under Peter's control a few months ago.

So the guy that blew his head off at the beginning was an Argent. Huh.

I don't know why I was surprised that Chris knew where his dad was. Also Chris was hot as hell CSI'ing that wolf fight and knowing Allison had been there.

So Deucalion bit the guy. OH! Was anyone else pronouncing his name as deuce(deus) a lon? Cause I was. I still prefer my way.

Most of my thoughts on Teen Wolf for this season so far and for the future can be summed up as: WAIT AND SEE.

In the time it took to write this I bought two more Motown songs.

teen wolfin it

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