Why wasn't Elle more insane? I expected her to ask Noah why she couldn't keep Gabriel for a puppy. Sane Elle confused me.
Flint was funny and I laughed at Meredith's line about him not having a brain so God gave him a big sister.
Also he's Claire's uncle too! Peter,Sylar, Flint. If Claire ever wants to try and be normal no boy is ever going to get past those three. Can you see some boy dropping by to pick her up? Hi.lari.ous.
Angela and Arthur. Omg, I loves me some Petrelli's and these two were almost like Morticia and Gomez.
Could Nathan and Peter get any closer? At the party, at the hospital and at the funeral?
Petrelli's touching inappropriately for the win.
When Arthur told Nathan he looked good in a suit, me and hubby looked at each other and he said, "I see they come by the incestuous stuff naturally." Then we laughed and then I screamed as he started talking about daddy's and spanking. The hubby is a nut.
I felt sorry for Gabriel.
Awww, Hiro wants to save Nathan.
Linderman wondering in and out of the Petrelli's house was just odd. I do like that he healed Angela though.
Mama Petrelli kicks ass! The soup, having the Haitian there. Then her, "I lied." And taking a sip of wine as Arthur fell to the floor! Haaaaaaaaaaaaa! Reminded me of the Borgias. Or some great shakespearian drama, with some drabs of Dynasty.
So Angela seemed less cold until she found out how much her 'loving' husband had been controlling her. She and Sandra Bennett need to talk.
CRAP! They killed the vision guy who's name I can't spell. Fuck. I really liked him.
Arthur Petrelli in Africa! That is one scary man. I wonder who told him about Hiro?
So to sum up, Nathan and Peter, wheeee, Mama Petrelli kicks ass and Arthur Petrelli is one scary mofo.
Someone make my craving for NCIS mpreg go away.
I want some CSI:LV Vampire AU or Heroes Vamp AU.