Bringing Sexy to Monday Mornings

Oct 29, 2007 10:26

Seriously, AP as Nathan Petrelli is hot, smart,arrogant,sexy. If I had time, I'd list characteristic's AP has for each letter of the alphabet. Got Heroes DVD. Omg, the "I can't be with you right now." Jesus, that was just. Wow.

I'm not repeatedly listening to Zac Efron's songs from Hairspray, but now I'm listening to Alan Jackson. I don't know if this is an improvement or not.

My 300-500 a day writing thing has paid off. One long long story at the beta. Three other stories done. Two are sequels to other stories already out there. One is cracky zombie apocafic.

Know what this means? Crack fic! I plan on writing Crack fic today and tomorrow. Possibly on Wednesday. I have two stories midway done that could be considered mildly crack worthy (okay, one of them a lot of crack)

Or I might work on one of my big Wip's that is lingering on my hard drive. I have about four that need to be finished. Or five. Or finish my alphabet meme. Gahhhh.

sex ass, adrian, heroes, sexass pasdar

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