The United States, as the world knows, will never start a war. . . . " -John F. Kennedy.

Mar 25, 2003 11:29

-The U.S strengthen Saddam Hussein by providing him with foreign assistance, even when it was known he was using toxic gas on his own citizens and the Iranians. When his own citizens were ready to overthrow him after the Gulf War, the States pulled back and did not help them.
-While Saddam is a tyranical power, there are many others in the middle east. Including Saudi Arabia (just one which is supported by the U.S)
-The fact that americans want to help "free the Kurds" is unlikely. Turkey killed thousands of its Kurds, using US weapons. They weren't stopped.
-other nations which killed hundreds of thousands of their own people (Indonesia, Guatemala) not only were not threatened with war, but received weapons from the United States.
-Nuclear weapons? Israel has nuclear weapons. Pakistan and India also have them and have been close to using them. Who is the only power in the world to use nuclear weapons on a civilian population?Hiroshima, Nagasaki anyone?
-Hundreds of thousands of Iraqis have died due to the Un sanctions placed on Iraq, many of them children.
-The States has not provided Afghanistan with the "nation-building" resources that were promised, much like they are being promised now for Iraq. The instability left behind fosters poverty, sickness and the rise of yet-another undemocratic government.

I just wrote about how I was watching the news last night, then this computer ate it on me, so I'll sum it up because I'm running out of time.

American's are being very dumb in this war. There was no need of it in the first place. They let a crazy guy go to war, and he threw a granade at his camp and killed/wounded soldiers, the Americans dropped a bomb on one of their own camps, and shot down British Allie planes. Plain stupid.

They also killed quite a few Iraqi civillian's. Children, parents, Elderly, yes, America will surely protect the Iraqi civillian population. Bull Fucking Shit.

If I believed in God, I would pray for all the prisioners of war, but then again, if there was a God, then maybe he would Grant George Dubbya Bush with enough Brains to end this war.

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