Feb 09, 2005 23:55
I was sitting on the good old cata bus as it chugged its way to East Lanisng. I looked up at one stop to see a rider with A CULVERS HAT hop aboard. I thought "hmm, I don't recognize him..wait..her?.. its Tabitha!"
Yes, I saw Tab today. I am pretty sure that is what it goes by. It used to be Tabitha... then Tabby. I am pretty sure it is a boy now. Jenny always told me Tabby was a girl but when I overheard her talking about the advantages of being a male cheerleader, I was thrown off a bit. Today it definitely resembled a man. Tab's hair was shorter and the voice was deeper. I am still contemplating, maybe I will never know... maybe I don't want to know. What I do know is the 2 months I spent at Culvers were two months too long :(
The things you witness on the Cata. Geez.