Just locked myself into a years worth of LJ paid account-y goodness! (You better not get suddenly get lame and wanky, watxm fandom...nah, you're much too awesome for that. Which is why I love you! <3) Which means moar userpics, hurray! I also made a new slashtastical journal theme for the occasion. Gosh, I have the crackiest prettiest OTP.
::happy Kelly is happy::
Characters: Pietro/Dominic, slashy WAFF
Disclaimer: Owned by Marvel and other people who are not me.
Rating: T, I guess... I rate all slash stuff T :: shrugs ::
Summary: If Dominic can finally get Pietro to sit still long enough to watch a DVD with him, it's generally because he's going to to fall asleep before the opening credits are done rolling. THE RETURN OF MACANGUS! Sorry guys. I know I owe some of you art still, but I really wanted to just draw my OTP. Tomorrow, art for the masses :) Please don't be mad.
Much larger and text free image