Jun 13, 2004 09:37
Well Last night.. was Ok.. I cleaned my room .. and it finally has some organization.. I like never unpacked from Living with Jay.. and it all Just sat there in Bags.. like i didnt wanna come to the reaization that i Live Here.. Lol.. I SLEEP absolutly Horrible while im here though.. either everyone in my house has an extremely loud mouth .. which is true.. or that my house has really good acoustics.. which i think is true too.. SO .. everyone seems like 100 times louder.. SO FREAKIN ANNOYING.. My mom .. DOes Not KNow.. a Normal tone.. shes like 7 octics.. Higher.. than a Normal tone.. ANNOYING.. SO i had.. 4 hours of sleep last night.. I went to bed at 4 because my bed uncomfortable.. and my allergies were aggrivating me.. and it SUCKED.. i was just tossing and turning... over and over.. and im A prisoner in my own home i cant go down stairs.. i cant go to the bathroom without my mom like WHAT ARE YOU DOING? Im like shut the fuck up bitch im peeing.. i actually call her Pat.. Because she gets on my nerves.. and i know that gets on hers.. :) SO i finally fall asleep at 4 Ish.. WHile Shuffling around my whole room all night.. and then i get woken up at 7:30.. By My mom and dad talking.. and Cleaning together.. GEEEEEEZZZZ i coulda killed them... and of course there talkign about the war and my moms Raising her tone higher and higher.. So .. Up it was for Me.. Im SO TIRED... I really Need to get outta this Place.. TRust Me.. Its Just not healthy for me to be here.. Emotionally.. Physically.. Mentally.. it all Fucks with your head.. and you dont know what to believe.. IT SUCKS.. well im gonna go .. My Tummy hurts.. either from not enough sleep or my allergie meds in me and no Food.. So im goonnna go.. ttyL .. Love Kel