Apr 16, 2008 12:28
So here's the story. My mom gets a lot of headaches, really really bad ones, and she gets neck pain and hot flashes and lots of trouble sleeping. Everyone chalks all of this up to stress, or maybe even pending menopause. Well, about a month ago she spent the day in the ER because of one of her migraines. It was that bad. But everything turned okay, as far as anyone knew. There was a little text exchange with my dad that peaked some curiosity, but then he banished all that:
dad: they might have found something on the ct scan
me: like what?
a little while later, dad: they say she has a condition known as SEVERE RETARDATION. she's going to need to see a specialist.
me: haha.
So I figured it was all okay. About a month later I receive a text from mother:
"Save the date! April 19th, LLUMC (big hospital down the hill) - BRAIN SURGERY!"
Bwwwhhhaaa??? Brain surgery?! Isn't' that kind of a big deal?! So I text her back and ask if it's HER brain that needs the surgery and I get no response. So I make it a point to go to their place when she gets off work and try to get some more info. She still wouldn't really come out with anything, so I had to go to dad all secret-like cause Mom is being difficult, as usual. Wellll, Dad that CT scan she had done at the hospital showed a mass on her...frontal lobe? Pretty much right where her forehead is. Between the time she was in the ER and the time I got the text from her, she had been up and down the hill for tests and bloodwork and all that fun stuff. So, she already knew that it was NOT cancerous (thank youuuuu Jesus!) and her whole reason for not saying anything to any of us kids sooner was because she wanted to make sure SHE knew what it was, so she could talk to us about it. Sooo, it's like a non-cancerous tumor in her brain. It's cause the migraines, neck pain, hot flashes, and trouble sleeping. She says it causes her weight problem too, which...okay, maybe, but...meh.
So, she has to get brain surgery to make the mass smaller, because at the size its at now if it were to burst it could cause a stroke or something else detrimental to my mothers health. So, what they're going to do is enter through my mothers nose and pull pieces of the tumor out until its very very small, or gone. This will make her pains go away, and save her from something awful in the future. Yay! At first I was very scared, but after having talked to everyone and getting my facts straight, I'm not worried. I know she will be okay, it's not like real brain surgery where they have to cut her open, and she'll be in and out of the hospital within a week. I'm going to go with her and my dad on Friday morning and I will wait with my dad and be there to see her after recovery. Mom has always been very, very strong, like a rock, I know it will be weird to see her in a hospital bed. Especially for my dad, so I want to be around for him too.
So yeah, that's latest drama in my life. I'll try to update on Saturday to let everyone know how the surgery went, how Mom's doing and all that stuff. Andddd, if you do pray, send one up for her. Just in case ;) Thank you, my lovlies!