Loans are in!

Apr 16, 2007 08:19

As the title suggests for a brief few hours my bank account was in the black. As the student loans have hit, and mine (rarely) was actually enough to clear the overdraft! It won't last long, as I expect my rent to go out soon, and the deposit for next year has already paid out. But its a start, and there should be more money hitting my account in the next week or so (I had a cheque to me bounce, and have a direct debit incoming too, and a load of money from my paypal account on its way!)
So credit cards and debt should be able to be paid off, and still have just enough money to last til the end of the month! Which will be nice :)
Whats not so nice is sunburn.... why does it feel hotter after putting aftersun on that promises to "cool and refresh burnt skin"!?! Meh, if it goes brown then I'm going to be impressively dark and impressively asymmetrical. (I don't have the arm guard lines on my forearm, instead I have a chest guard mark :$)

Anyway, back to uni this morning, so leaving in about 20mins. As I have money I may indulge myself and have breakfast when I get there :)
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