My Daily Twitter Verbal Blathering
- 12:54 @ oThetaSigmao congrats, sounds like alot of fun #
- 13:06 Calls have been on hold non stop all morning. Almost 400 emails in queue, and Orem is still barely trained. Oh yeah, my company is brilliant #
- 14:11 You know brain, it really doesn't help my stress levels when you add thoughts of very bad things to yourself thereby adding nausea to my day #
- 18:18 I wish to be at home vegging out. Tomorrow get blood test results to see if med is working or not. With my luck they'll up it and test again #
- 23:17 @ kittylair Oh good I thought you'd lost your mind #
- 10:13 Today does not bode well for me. Doc office took forever, late to work & stuck in traffic on 95. Like a pass on the rest of the day please #
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