Nov 19, 2005 02:15 I officially have another interview for a job at KMG America. This is the last one before they make a final decision on who they everyone keep your fingers crossed for me.
Took my little sister Sam to see the new Harry Potter movie this afternoon. Excellent! I highly recommend it, even if you haven't read the book yet.
People need to teach their children manners. We were at the movie this afternoon and these children, with their parents sitting with them, were burping (and probably farting) all the way through the movie. And during the last 10 minutes of the movie...when it gets really of the hethens decides that he wants to get into the Christmas spirit by singing Jingle Bells. Although I don't know what I really expect because the father was sitting with them and he talked constantly through the entire movie. But to top it all off...they were sitting about 2 rows behind Sam and me. So we took the brunt of the rudeness. Sometimes I really hate people!
I took Ny-Quil last night and I slept for about 11 or 12 hours straight and now its 2:24 in the morning and I can't seem to go to sleep. I really don't know why:). That little smiley I just did kinda looks like he has a zit on the bottom of his chin! I find it very amusing.