Jun 11, 2005 07:56
Been pretty sick the last few weeks. I am getting sick and tired of being sick and tired! I started off having difficulty breathing. Went to a doctor (not my regular one) on a Weds. She quickly listened to my chest, asked if Asthma ran in my family and diagnosed me with Asthma. She sent me home with two inhalers. The following Monday I am out on a date and have what I assume to be an asthma attack. I go to Urgent Care. The doctor there agrees with the first doc. He gives a breathing treatment and Prednisone. Tuesday morning I leave and go camping with my school for overnight. I proceed to have three more "asthma" attacks. I finally get in to see my real doctor. He says, "I told you when you quit smoking to not be surprised if you get really sick in two to three months." So I don't have asthma he assumes, but some sort of bronchial thing. He finally puts me on antibiotics. Two weeks later, many missed days of work and I am finally starting to feel better. Urgh!!!!