So I have this theory...

Nov 07, 2006 18:17

In Supernatural

about how the wee!boydemon (because hey, never got a name) was one of the "special" no-mom kids and the Demon's (main demon so gets a capital D of course) plan-y plans for all the special no-mom kids is to actually use them as vessels for *his* kids so that they have special super-duper powers because Meg, did not have the ultra-special throw-Dean-against-a-wall power but her "brother" did... so what is all that about?? Which would mean, oopsie! Dean killed one of the very special no-mom kids... oh the angst! Could've been Sammy... *trembling lip of dooooom*

And yeah, so Sam would be relatively safe I'm thinking because all the demon kids would be sitting around baggsing the non-mom kid they get to possess and would all be like - "I don't waaaaant to have death visions, that's a sucky pooooower! I want to possess the kid that makes people do stuff with just his braaaaain."

But then I think, what if I am the super-smart brain of the Universe and I just am totally right and I have just spoiled myself for the rest of the season.

Then I think nah, probably just too much caffeinne.

So much I can't even spell it apparently...

Maybe I just read a fic like that and it got stuck in my brain like a song....
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