-> I am a BONEHEAD and very nearly missed my second
marvel_bang date because I had it stuck in my head that my second posting date was the 17th and no, it was YESTERDAY. Thankfully
boom_queen is much more on the ball than I am and emailed me her art link and I was like ARGH, WHY BRAIN FAILURE, WHY?? I'm pretty sure it's still the 13th somewhere, right??
-> So, I've posted my second
marvel_bang! That was the fastest code/post to a Big Bang ever so if anything looks hinky, let me know! Check out
vid trailer because it is wee bb!Steve and Tony and ugh, so cute and I WANT THIS MOVIE IN MY EYEBALLS THAT SHE MADE THE VID FOR.
-> I have now finished Season 2 of TW and while I was at first a bit meh about the new wolves, I NOW HAVE ISAAC feels. He just needs a hug!!! Preferably by Scott. I don't know. Where's the everyone-hugs-Isaac fic? He acts tough but it sekritly the biggest schmoo which is my kryptonite! Plus I really like Erica. I'm still not sure about Boyd because he didn't get enough screentime but he was the protective sensible one so he definitely gets points for that.