Title: Grabbing a Shark By The Tail Author: kellifer_fic Rating: PG Category: SPN/GG (Sam/Rory) Word Count: 3,225 Spoilers: None Disclaimer: Don't own, don't sue, no offense, no money.
I really like this. I've only seen a couple of GG episodes (just put it on my netflix queue) but I like Rory and I like this, her being drawn by this guy that makes her think of Dean, and I like the idea of someone really trying to get to the heart of what really goes on with the Winchester boys. :D
Ooooh, this I like. I like the way that this shows what might be one outsider's perspective of the Winchester boys -- the ones who're serial killers -- or the ones who're good men doing the best they can under the circumstances.
And the part where Rory just -- steamrollers -- them in the diner makes me grin so much. As does the ending. :D :D
I don't read GG fic, not ever, but I was too curious how you would handle this. And it was awesome. I like your Rory better than the one on the show. And this:
Rory jumps as if goosed before fixing Dean with her best Lorelai glare. Her Great Grandmother had it, her mother had it and dammit all if she isn’t going to use it. Dean blinks and curls backward a little and it’s just the reaction she wants.
Comments 48
And the part where Rory just -- steamrollers -- them in the diner makes me grin so much. As does the ending. :D :D
I don't read GG fic, not ever, but I was too curious how you would handle this. And it was awesome. I like your Rory better than the one on the show. And this:
Rory jumps as if goosed before fixing Dean with her best Lorelai glare. Her Great Grandmother had it, her mother had it and dammit all if she isn’t going to use it. Dean blinks and curls backward a little and it’s just the reaction she wants.
Was priceless. *g*
Totally freaking awesome!
Great job.
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