I'm late for me but I think it's still Friday somewhere...
BTW... my body had become intolerant to chocolate... is there anywhere I can trade it in for a new one?
To Entangle So To Know by
idyll, (SGA, John/Ronon) - This is one of the flashfic backstory challenge entries and is just... lovely.
Make You Smile by
ephemerall, (SPN, Sam/Jess) - There's been quite a lot of good solid Sam/Jess lately and I say woohoo! Keep it comin'!
Just Another Ghost by
misskatieleigh, (SPN, Gen) - Very pretty.
The Thought That Counts by
bertybertle, (SG-1, Jack/Daniel) - Cute!
The Worth Of Things Not Said by
niamaea, (SG-1, Jack/Daniel) - Long, plotty Jack/Daniel fic... how I've missed you!!