I finally got a call from one of the housemate's sisters this morning- apparently they were not even notified until today! It's a big relief to know that they have her will and are planning to fly out and help us with cleaning out her stuff. In the past few years she'd turned into kind of a hoarder so it's not going to be easy. Also, the landlord is being incredibly great and is going to hire one of those specialized cleanup services to deal with the worst of the suicide aftermath. They're probably going to come out tomorrow. I did tell him we should wait on other cleaning until her family is able to come out and he agreed.
Even though I know in my head that it's okay to be angry, it still feels vaguely wrong emotionally. But I'm trying to just let myself feel what I feel and not try to 'block' any of it, because that isn't healthy :/
I also have a call in to her therapist and I'm going to let them know how badly I think Kaiser failed her. They kept switching her therapists and psychiatrists so she didn't have any stability of care. And when they committed her back in late January/early February they let her out much too quickly (less than 2 full days!), she needed a much longer term in-patient commitment. They just didn't want to deal with her or the expense, I think.
Thank you all for your kindness and support, it really helps.
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