Mar 13, 2004 09:28
my birthday last weekend was good. krys, mal, tiff, liz, jess, and i went out to guadalajara. and these weird drunk men sang me happy birthday. then we just went back to my house. becca and laura came over too. mm missed my girls. especially bec. and then jason and two of his friends came over. and we had a sleepover it was fun. and i got to make everyone chocolate chip panacakes!
this week went by fast. nothing really exciting. i drove my aunts car into a ditch. sucks im getting my license in less than 3 months. hm im going to cheerleading on tuesdays now, i love those girls. and hopefully i should start open gym at spirit soon. im excited its been forever since ive been back there. then fieldhockey is coming up. and i need a job soo bad. my sister came over thursday. and i was playing with little gabby and she threw up in my face hah. i love babies.
yesterday i went tanning and drove to krystle's. tiff, michelle carmines, and julee harlow came over. went around with alex and got shakes and stuff. ran into matt simeone, brenton, and lb. and ofcorse i had to buy people food.
im going to macarthur to blow my 250 bucks from my birthday yessss. maybe getting my hair done. then hopefully hangin out with steve tonight :)
im going to miss lindsey soo much i want to hang out with her before she moves.
and i want spring breakkk!