This is kinda fun. Thanks,
Comment and I'll give you a letter; then you have to list ten things you LOVE that begin with that letter. Afterward, post this in your journal and give out some letters of your own.
1. Lists. Yes, it's true. I've been meaning to incorporate more into this journal, as a matter of fact. I guess this is good start.
2. Lolita. by Vladimir Nabokov. One of my favorite books of all time.
3. Leonard Cohen. Many a night I've fallen asleep listening to LC. Read his novel, Beautiful Losers, which was definitely interesting.
4. Lady in the Water. Not my favorite M. Night movie, but I did really like it and I own it (and M. Night Shyamalan doesn't begin with an L).
5. Locoroco. One of the cutest video games ever. PSP
6. Ladybugs. This summer I saw Ani Difranco and Kimya Dawson at the Melody Tent. Before the show a ladybug landed on my glasses.
7. Lilacs. Memories from my childhood. Memories from summers on the Cape. Beautifully scented memories.
8. Letters. Letter, packages, postcards, yeah, I love that kinda thing.
9. Laughter. Especially from babies, but I'm not too picky.
10. Love. It's all you need, or so I hear.
I won't feel bad if no one requests a letter to do this in their own journals, I promise ;)