There are things I could have and should have been doing this week since I don't have the baby and I pretty much have had the house to myself--there's work I should be doing, cleaning that needs to be done. Instead I've mostly been watching movies and napping, and I can't let myself feel too bad about it, because I need to not be sick anymore by the end of the weekend. Here's some movies I have watched:
The Devil's Backbone - Finally watched this after wanting to see it for years (I think I even watched it on the very day that
Pan's Labyrinth came out on DVD, both directed by Guillermo del Toro). I LOVED this movie (and Pan's as well, of course). I like watching movies in Spanish, make me want to go back to learning how to speak it. Why don't I do that? I could totally do that. Anyway, beautiful ghost story.
Born Into Brothels - Another one that took me far too long to actually watch. I knew this was about children of prostitutes, how did I not know it was about photography? I hope that all of my photographer friends have watched this one.
The Gravedancers - One of the
8 Films to Die For. Pretty good story, though some parts looked way too chessy (the parts that were supposed to be scary, mostly) and at least one really bad actor. The disc was scratched or something and I didn't feel like messing around with it, so I didn't even watch the end of it. Have yet to watch the end of the Illusionist also.
The Break-up - No comment.
I miss the days of having lots of LJ friends who posted often and liked to leave comments. I wonder if it's time to make some new livejournal friends. Maybe even time to make some "real" friends. We shall see.
Everyone loves the
Evil Baby Orphanage idea as much as I do, right? Right???
If you have a few dollars to spare, please consider making a donation to decrease world suck within the next week:
In Loving Memory of Randy Normil.