So I guess I'm missing the Blood Brothers tonight. Slightly depressing, but I'm dealing with it quite well. As a matter of fact, I've been in a pretty good mood today (of course I JUST realized that tonight is the night). I've had Mason from about 7:20 am until 6 pm everyday this week and today is the first day that I don't feel very tired, so I think I'm finally getting used to it. I'm that lucky person who gets to spend all day with an infant and then gets to sleep through the whole night. What more could I ask for, really? I'm even gonna get paid for it!
Tomorrow I'll be hanging out with some best friends. Wedgie, Amanda and I are going to a jewelry party at Annette's house and then probably going out on the town. Girl's Night Out! We're long overdue for that, so it should be great. Next month Wedgie is hosting a stamping party, which happens to be on my birthday.
Speaking of my birthday and/or Christmas...
There are things I want, sure. Even more than that, there are things I really need. Still, I don't expect anyone to get me anything. If there are people out there who would like to get me a gift or card, I have a suggestion.
I'm hoping to get some blank CDs and make some mixes as Christmas gifts. I was thinking of keeping it a surprise, but then I thought that I'd love to receive mix CDs as gifts as well. Last year
dizoburo sent me an awesome CD for my birthday and I absolutely love it. I'd love to hear what songs other people think I would like, or just hear the songs that they like.
I'm also looking for ideas for my mixes. I'll probably do another entry on all this again soon, but just wanted to get that idea out there (just a few weeks until I'm 27, eek!). Definitely let me know if you're interested in trading mixes for the holidays (though definitely not "holiday mixes," necessarily).
The round little baby will soon be wanting more food, so that is all for now.