Jan 27, 2009 21:16
I was talking to Drew tonight and Cameron wanted to talk to me so Drew gave him the phone. I asked him about staying home today and asked if he was going to "school" tomorrow and he said he wanted to because he wanted to see his friend George. I said, well, I'm not sure if you'll get to go tomorrow and he goes, yes, I want to see my friend George. LOL Ok. So then he said bye and gave them phone back to Drew. Drew goes, Cameron wanted to talk to you and I heard Cameron say "because I love her". Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. My heart melted. I needed that tonight.
I told Dena this morning about applying for the position last night. She kind of tilted her head back and I could tell she was upset. She asked me a couple of questions and asked if I was unhappy and I told her that I felt like I got cheated because I worked all these hours and didn't get any reward for it last year. But, this position just came at the right time and there are so many pluses to it. I know it was hard for her to hear but she said she understood. I mean, it's not like I have the job....I haven't even gotten an interview yet. It was so hard telling her, though. I truly don't want to leave them high and dry but I can't pass this up.