(no subject)

Jul 06, 2008 14:45

Really really not good news.
You see, I have a work laptop and it's very "special". Pretty much only I know how to use it for it to work. Dena called me last Thursday to tell me the DSL quit working and that neither payroll nor end of the week numbers had been transmitted. I told her I'd go in on Sunday to see if the DSL was working and finish things up.
Well, she left the laptop on. That's a no no. You don't leave my laptop on overnight.
So, it was frozen. So I pushed the on/off button and pushed it to start. Usually this is ok.
Here's the other deal. My laptop doesn't work away from it's docking station and it doesn't work when it's not hooked up to DSL. So, keep in mind, the DSL wasn't working before. Now it is but the laptop would not start. It would get stuck when it was trying to load Windows. Then a blue screen would appear. Usually this is the screen that appears when it's not hooked up to DSL. I tried 2 other DSL lines and restarted, etc and nothing.
I think I spent 1 1/2 hours trying to get the laptop to boot. The thing that upsets me the most is that it will most likely have to be sent in to reimage it which means no laptop until I come back from LA. I should be able to get everything set up on Laura's pc but I have a feeling I've lost a lot of data. I can't remember when the last time I backed the laptop up. I meant to do it before I left but I don't think I did.
Seriously, why does this kind of crap happen when I'm away?
My job is not rocket science. It's not brain surgery yet huge things happen when I'm gone a week.
It really upset me when I was there and I started to cry....not huge cry just emotional overwhelmed cry. Things will work out but again, I only have a 3 day work week so I see long hours ahead for me.
I will try the service center in the morning, maybe they know some magical button to push. I can't even get it to start up in safe mode, that's how bad it is.
I do feel better now. I bought some clothes at Lane Bryant and then went food shopping and stopped at Q'Doba for lunch so I've calmed down. Oh and GH Marathon is on SoapNet and I'm flipping to the Cards game so that helps too.


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