My dog scratches his food bowl, even though it's full of food. It confuses me and makes me mad. LOL Now he's barking at it. *scratches head*
* I really like Nadine. I hope they give her a good storyline.
* I find it odd that Nik just talks to Em anywhere, even though people can't see her. And people just give him a strange look and nothing else. LOL
* Diane and Alexis as friends is awesome! LOL And funny.
* Sam's niceness is confusing. I mean, you know she's got a heart in there somewhere, so she cares about Jake because he's a baby and she doesn't want to see him hurt, but she's also the one who let someone kidnap him and not say anything. Make up your mind!
* I like Skate, really I do, but right now their storyline is silly and boring.
* Spoiler!!! - So I read last night that Maxie is going to find Cooper hung to death. I like Cooper, that's a shame.
* OMG how ridiculous that they're not calling a bomb squad or something. Yeah, Scott and Lucky can handle the whole situation. Stupid!!!
* Awww, I really did like Rexis. It's a shame they probably won't ever put them back together.
* Ok, I have to admit, this part of the show where Kate's friend barged in her apartment to act like her "date" for the night so the cop wouldn't look for Sonny is kind of amusing.
Because it's yummy to watch: