Quick life update.

Oct 21, 2012 01:35

School: Physical Chemistry III, Philosophy: Knowledge and Reality, Macroeconomics, Drugs and Poisons.
aka Secretly Calculus, Professor has a soul patch and Plato is overrated, Capitalism, Introductory Course-Yeah Right.
I'm basically just completing this quarter on auto-pilot, and that probably won't bode well when finals come around.

Activities: I've taken up running again but mostly because I've also taken up eating desserts again.
I'm getting scuba certified! Classes started last week and go through the first week of November. I did not think it was going to be so physical but it is kicking my ass. We'll see if that's a good thing later.

Books: Reading Cloud Atlas and it is blowing my mind. I really don't understand how one author can completely change writing styles to illustrate different time periods but so far so freaking awesome.

Addictions: Video games, caffeine, diet soda, sugar.

Psyche: Lonely.


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