Jun 01, 2004 22:27
In a weeeeeeird mood today. This morning some city people were tinkering around with the pipes and such down the street, causing an unholy racket. Arg. Sadie *finally* had a day off, so we thought we'd take out Sarah for lunch. I called Sarah and boohoohoo she's all weepy and depressed (as always). We ended up going out to a fun but very, very, weird lunch. Sadie and I are pretty cool with each other, but Sarah is...er...strange. Anyway. We talked and laughed about Comic-con and about the stuff I gave them ("Mrs. Bloom" bag for Sarah and "Mrs. Depp" cuff for Sadie). We also made plans to be total nerds and go see Harry Potter at midnight on Thursday. Wheeeee! Maybe we'll see some of our other bum friends there. Anyway, against my better judgement, they lured me into Hot Topic, where I snagged a badass "tailored" jacket for twenty-five bucks. It was originally forty-five, so...yay. Of course it's blazing hot here now, but I'll take it to San Diego with me, and I'll be using it a lot this winter, I guarantee. Anyway...Um. I can't stop listening to the Franz Ferdinand CD I bought. Gah! It never gets old! I hear it even when I'm asleep! Somebody help me!