
Apr 20, 2008 19:35

Is there anything upsetting you right now?
not too much. family shit sure, but im chillin.

Who is the last person to IM you?

Hows your heart been lately?
not invested.

How about your head?

What did you dream about last night?
no idea.

What time did you wake up today?
uhhh 9iiish

Think of the last time you missed school, why was it?
uhhh i had a dr appt that ran late

What do you really want right now?
hang out with this boy i think is cute

What are you listening to?
some silence.

What are you doing tonight?

What about tomorrow?
writing some papers. 6 papers.

Who has hurt you most in your life?
not sure

Do you forgive them?

What do you regret most in life?
nothing i learn from my mistakes

Are you close with your father?
hes not talking to me right now

How about your mother?

And your siblings?

A genie just walked into your house, you get three wishes: they are?
infinite amount of money. good health for x amount of years, and ill save the last one.

Does anyone miss you?
i hope so

Have you lost any of your friends lately?

Are you happy about it?

Was it a girl or a boy?

What do you want to do this summer?

What do you dislike the most in this world?
thats a broad question

Last thing you drank?

Are you hungry?

What's the cutest thing someone has done for you?
today? haha my brothers friend brought me cigarettes from italy!
thats not the sweetest thing ever but its pretty siiick.

Do you like yourself?

What do you think of people who have ten bestfriends?
i have a few

How many do you have?
a few

Do you know who your real friends are?

Who is your favorite teacher?

What should you really be doing right now?

What should we call you?

Most awesome person in this world?
me. duh. jk.

have you ever showered with someone?

Right now do you prefer a Strawberry Milkshake or a Banana Cupcake

Is your phone within an 8 meter radius of you?
try 2 feet

Wait, are you a male or a female?

What are you wearing?
OLD hh tshirt, white capri sweatpants

What color is the thing you are sitting on right now?
black. bed.

Are you doing this just because youre bored?
oh hell yeah

What is bothering you right now?
my lip

Was last New Years enjoyable?

I bet you miss someone right now?
who doesnt

And where might they be?
northern ct

Can you type over sixty words per minute?
if im worked up enough

Are you a bitch?

Target or Walmart Or You Dont Know?

Would you ever become a vegetarian?
i did. it didnt work out

Where are you right now?
in my bed. home.

Can you swim well?

Do you shop for clothes?
i dont have money for that

Do you believe in ghosts?
not sure. i guess

Would you rather go to Tokyo or Paris?

How about Melbourne or Rome?
idk both plz

Do you have a guitar in your house?
wanna buy it?

Who else is in the room with you?
my cat

In winter, would you rather wear jackets or hoodies?
both. haha

Do you wish you were somewhere else right now?

Are You Taken?
sam and i are pretend dating. yay.

Do you have any enemies?
sure thing

What are you doing?

Ever kissed a blonde haired, blue eyed person?

What are you watching right now?
the screen

Who last said they loved you?
probably a DL boy or my mom or barb

Where did you last sleep other than your house?
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