Mar 18, 2006 23:05
So the cancer of our house has moved out and I couldn't be more excited!! There is going to be so much less DRAMA now that Kristen is gone and I'm really glad that she took all of her high school bull shit with her!! Just had to say that first off....
So my first college friend Lindsay Jarvis has moved in and I'm psyched!! She is really awesome and it's gonna be a lot of fun with her here. I just hope that everything that Kristen started between Bri and me and Bri and Chelsea can be fixed with a simple I'm sorry. It's probably not going to happen that way but we all hope for the best.
Working at Fred Meyer now and it's pretty dang cool. I am going to be working like 40 hours or at least close to that after spring break so I will be rollin' in the dough!! I was at Grant's Pizza last night hanging out with a friend and a couple people came up to me and totally recognized me from working at Fred Meyer already!! They work there too and they all work in the home department and that's cool because that's where I'll be at too. So I have to remember their names or else I'll feel really horrible!! Andrew, Kevin, and I wanna say Cassy. Oh well I guess that is what name tags are for! haha
Well I get my wisdom teeth out on thursday so wish me luck because I am really really scared!! I don't want my cheeks to become all sollowen and brused like Kristina's were!! lol even though it did look pretty funny you have to admit! I love it!!
My parents are coming over tomorrow to spend a couple days here with me. Take me shopping for food since I have none and I'm going to make them dinner tomorrow night and that should be really good.
That's really all I've got for now!!! ***LOVE***