Jun 28, 2004 18:17
I have too much to do to update livejournal, which is precisely why I'm updating livejournal right now.
Random Reminiscing Thought of the Moment:
I occasionally miss college for all kinds of reasons, but some are more obscure than others. Today I miss college because of the plethora of people that freely give adoring looks. I was watching Felicity DVDs again and realizing that there is always somebody staring adoringly at somebody else...that look that says "you are so freakin' awesome and I can't believe how much I love you/care about you". The show got criticized some for this type of stuff, but I think they really hit that one on the head because that is partially what college is about. You make all these amazing friends that you are so incredibly intimate with and you forget that you've really only known them for a very short amount of time. It was harder to feel lonely when you knew that there was at least one person around to look at you as if you were God's gift to the universe.
What I've been up to lately:
I saw Dodgeball, Saved!, Fahrenheit 9/11, and Two Brothers all this week. Much thanks to my parents and grandmother for all that! I liked all of them except Two Brothers, which I actually hated. I took my cousin downtown to Reunion Tower because she loves it and because I took her brother a couple of weeks ago. I've generally been very boring lately, but now anyone who reads this knows just how boring.
Currently, I would trade sexual favors for some cookies 'n cream ice cream...but i'm sure that's just a passing craze