yeah yeah yeah....

Dec 04, 2004 22:59

Ok ok, I know I never update this thing....Jenny has informed me that many times...I just don't have time to...My life is a little

Sooo yeah volleyball tryouts were two weeks ago...I gave 110% every day and ended up being number 13 on a 12 person team...In other words, I got cut...Which is totally unfair because I have played every year since I was in 5th grade...thats seven years and I got cut...I was very disappointed, but on the other hand, now I have time to do other things, such as make Jenny's day by updating my journal more than once a

Hey...Guess what?!? My birthday on coming up...on the 16th! Only 12 more days till I turn 18! I'll be legal! heh...Hmm...I'll be able to gamble in Mt. if I go to Central, I'll be in luck cause the casino is right around the block...haha...

Anyway...Aaron and my one year, seven month anniversary is on Friday! Almost 2 whole years...I'm really excited. :-D I don't know how Aaron has stood me for so long...haha...

Well, I really don't have anything else to say...ttyl!
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