Oct 12, 2005 19:15
ok so here's the deal. i deff need to catch up with my checkbook and pay my parents back for senior pics and stuff. then i'm gonna go cash my checks or deposit them. either way, i'm deff feelin a major shopping spree comin on this weekend. reason #1-i want to start looking nicer in hopes that the guys will notice HAHAHA #2-i'm sick of the same shit #3- i'm in a good mood so shopping sounds tolerable and #4- I CAN. and there's stuff i just want but then me and szuyung are gonna be matching opposites (yes, it makes sense to me) so i'm hoping that at some point me and her can go get our stuff. yay 12 hours of sleep last night did me wonders, only to be forced to pull a late night tonite bcuz of hw. im in such a good mood, even that doesnt bring me down. yay!!!