a little update, shall we?

Dec 18, 2008 13:16

* i took an awesome hip-hop class yesterday with my friend, the fab and talented sammy reyes, at koresh.  haven't taken class there in a while, and it felt good to be back.  gonna try to make it a regular thing.  sammy's not an easy teacher and it was a real workout, but i loved it.  guys, i crumped last night!

*i am the proud new owner of a black 99 pontiac sunfire coupe named roxie, a hand-me-down of sorts from my dear friend patrick who just moved to the west coast.  she has some minor snafus but runs like a champ.  and it will actually be the first car ever to be registered in my name.  shenequa (the 97 green corolla) stayed in my parents name to keep insurance cheap in college, and when i was married, they were "his" cars (you guys know how THAT turned out).  so this is exciting for me.

*on the flip side of good car karma, sun king left a bar last night to find his car completely jacked up.  the windsheild was smashed and the roof dented in.  he filed a police report, but it's not like anything will get done.  totally not fair and sucky.  but he will be here on sunday and we will have a couple days of christmas cheer and wine and chasing the blues away.

*i think i got a photography gig for new year's eve.  i didn't really want to work, but i need the $$, and i negotiated a ticket to this party for SK, so i am actually looking forward to it.  basically i get two free tickets to a big open bar soiree plus a paycheck, and all i have to do is snap fun pics all night.  yay!  i just have to solidify some details with the organizers.

*i bought a really adorable cocktail hat to wear on NYE.  i don't have a dress yet but i needed this hat!

*started rehearsals for the tap review.  loving it so far!  cast is fun and good-natured, the creative team is a cool mix of talented brains, and the stage manager is way chill.  it's awesome to work on a piece where everything is pretty much catered to the strengths of the performers, i.e. the songs are in our key, and the choreography highlights what we do best.  so it should be a great show.  come see it!  runs jan 8-feb 1 at the kimmel center's innovation studio.

*this month has been chock full of fun holiday gatherings...rob's 40's party, katie's housewarming (she makes the most amazing chicken enchalada dip...it's unreal), and jen is having people to her new pad this monday.  also dalice & rache's potluck, which there will hopefully be more of.  and i have tons of theatre to see in the next two weeks or so...music man, greater tuna, wonderful life, hairspray, and cherry bomb.  if i can manage to find the time to see them all it will be a feat.  but i'm on it!

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