I'm really behind in writing my hockey pr0n although I did manage to finish a chapter of Nothing Ever Changes. The only problem is that it's not the next chronological chapter, which would be 2. It is chapter 3. The plot bunny bit me and I couldn't resist writing it first In this chapter, Brooks Laich (from the Caps - yeah, I can't believe I'm writing him into it either) comes to visit Steve and... Since it is a work-in-progress, I'm not going to post it here but you can read it
here on google-docs (it's a public doc, anyone can read it). Beware, that chapter contains mild BDSM and questionable consent. I need to write another chapter of Polyamorous, In A Boys Dream, Nothing Ever Changes, and then there's the Flyers crackish fic...and oh yeah, Boston Bruins & Flyers crossover. Damn, plot bunnies. I intended on doing some writing on Sunday but got really distracted.
I got my tickets today for the Caps/Flyers game in DC on Friday and I'm SOOOOOO excited. This will be my first game. Ever. Thanks again to
korichan_212 for the tickets. ♥ ♥ ♥ I'm also going to another Flyers practice tomorrow. I went last Saturday but since there was a game only a few of the prospects were there and only one player that will make the team - Claude Giroux. I did love watching him practice. He's going to be a great addition to the team this year and has a shot of being rookie of the year. I doubt he'll win it because he's a Flyer :-) I still need to upload those pics to Flickr.
Things are looking up for my son. He starts 1/2 days at the Vocational Training School tomorrow. I still have another meeting on Thursday but after this week , it should be finished.