(no subject)

Jan 17, 2006 22:06

Well... im stressed lately ^___^ no free time cause i work so much, im trying to make up all the hw im missing in school. im trying to get Bs instead of Cs.. finals are next week, plus all the stupid tolo planning is driving me insane x_____x im not going next year. i swear im gonna start getting grey hairs.

My jeep is dieing.... my dad drove it to work today cause his car had a dead batterie, and he brings it home making clunking noises, and he says the engine is dieing. And i still have to drive it to get to school XD its going to break down half way there and ill just sit there blocking the road. I need to get more sleep, cause i cant stay awake in school very well..

Mom brought home a kitten last week, its pyscho and allways climbing me or things around me. its like a ghost it frickin pops out of no where and attacks you. I just cant wait till sunday @___@ ill be so much more relaxed maybe.
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