Mar 23, 2005 20:30
TEN random things about me:
10. I've had 4 parakeets all named Willy
9. I can beat anyone in a staring/laughing contest
8. I get unnecessarily nervous a lot
7. I'm not allergic to anything that I know of
6. I can drink an entire bottle of water in about 15 seconds
5. I absolutely hate mayonaise
4. I kick ass in boggle
3. I have (well, had) a long lost grandfather
2. My vote got on TRL once like 5 years ago for a 98 Degrees song
1. I like pulp in my OJ
NINE places I've visited:
9. Las Vegas
8. Florida
7. New Hampshire
6. Virginia
5. New York
4. Pennsylvania
3. Maine
2. Montreal
1. Bahamas
EIGHT things I want to do before I die:
8. Visit all 50 states
7. Live in another country
6. Be on a reality show
5. Beat a world record
4. Overcome all my fears
3. Sky dive
2. Get a tattoo
1. Fall in love
SEVEN ways to win my heart:
7. humor me..i love to laugh
6. honesty..even if the truth hurts
5. intelligence
4. spontaneity
3. be able to talk about anything
2. trust
1. understanding
SIX things I believe In:
6. God
5. Love
4. Logic
3. Fate
2. Everything is okay in the end
1. The pursuit of happiness
FIVE of my favorite items in my room:
5. my bed
4. my cds
3. photo albums
2. my computer
1. my posters
FOUR things I'm afraid of:
4. spiders
3. change
2. becoming blind or deaf
1. not death, but knowing that i'm going to die
THREE things I do everyday:
3. listen to music
2. sleep
1. shower
TWO things I am trying not to do right now:
2. Think about how it's going to snow
1. Procrastinate
ONE person I want to see right now:
1. Hmm's been almost a year