Sep 05, 2007 08:50
The toddler rollercoaster has struck again!
This morning's dropoff was once again horrific. Probably my fault - I told Becca that after school we were going to see Grandma and Grandpa in Boston. Poor kid. And *I* was crying in my car afterwards too. Clinging to my neck for dear life, crying, the whole nine yards. All last night and all this morning she was so excited at going to school and then we arrived in her room to drop off her bag and there was a little boy there with a teacher waving out the window and screaming for daddy. It went downhill from there. I'm not sure that that's what made the difference but ugh it was horrible. Not even seeing all the kids playing with playdoh in the dropoff room convinced her to let go of me - she LOVES LOVES LOVES playdoh. An older girl offered to play with her. We tried everything. One of the teachers finally offered to walk her down to see the babies in their room. I walked out with them to that point and left them there - she was still upset but I had to go at that point.
I have a renewed willpower to really start off with a quick dropoff in this room - just drop her bag, drop her, kiss and hug, and go. Otherwise, we'll have months of this again as we did in the last room, and neither I nor she can take that, I don't think.
I'm sad right now. But it's fun to read about everyone's kids' first days of school - whether it be preschool or kindergarten. Hope everyone else's days go much better than mine did!