In the spirit of Christmas/New Years? How much have I changed in the past 5 years? (Lame quiz)

Dec 24, 2005 15:13

Take this quiz, post the results, and see how much things have changed.


How old were you?: 17

What school year were you in?: Senior

Where did you go to school?: Francis Scott Key High School

Where did you work?: No Anchovies Pizza / ABA Therapist

Where did you live? Frizellburg, Maryland

Where did you hang out?: My house, usually.

How was your hair style?: About shoulder-length, and the color varied monthly

Did you wear braces?: I think I still did, yes

Did you wear glasses?: Nope

Who was your best friend?: Megan, Angie, Katie, and Timoteo Lyons (plus the standard John/Kat/Will)

Who was your boyfriend/girlfriend?: No one!

Who was your celebrity crush?: Um... no idea

Who was your regular-person crush?: That's top-secret info.

How many piercings did you have?: Just my ears

How many tattoos did you have?: None

What was your favorite band?: I can't believe I don't remember...

What was your biggest fear?: Not getting into college? That's lame, but probably true

Had you smoked a cigarette yet?: Nope

Had you gotten drunk or high yet? Nope

Had you driven yet?: Yes. And also nearly totalled my car.

Haha ...Lets see how much you've changed.

How old are you?: 22

What school year are you in?: Just graduated in May

Where do you go to school?: University of Maryland, College Park

Where do you live?: The DC Metro Area

Where do you hang out?: My house

How is your hair style?: Super short, spikey, and finally my natural color

Do you wear glasses?: Nope

Who is your best friend?: Mike, Byron, Megan (plus the standard John/Kat/Will)

Who is your boyfriend/girlfriend? Mike

Who is your celebrity crush?: That guy who plays Jack in Lost *so hot!*

Who is your regular-person crush?: I don't need one

How many tattoos do you have?: None

How many piercings do you have?: A few more ear holes

What is your favorite band?: Jimmy Eat World

What is your biggest fear?: Not having $$ to pay the bills

Have you driven yet?: All the time

Have you smoked a cigarette yet?: Nope

Have you gotten drunk or high yet?: Drunk, not high

Repost This And Pass It On And See How Much You've Changed!
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