Green Man | Art for samdean_otp's Mini Bang

Oct 03, 2011 14:44

So! I was lucky enough to get to participate in the samdean_otp Mini Bang this year as an artist, and I picked inalasahl's story, Green Man. I don't claim to be anything but an amateur with graphics, and I hope inalasahl can forgive me for my chirpy enthusiasm during the challenge! So without further ado...

title. Green Man
author. inalasahl
artist. kelleigh
pairing. Dean Smith/Sam Wesson (and Wincest)
art rating. G
summary. Rather than dealing with the Winchesters, the new God, Castiel, sends them back into their alternate lives as Sam Wesson and Dean Smith. Only this time, no one's trying to teach Sam and Dean a lesson, and the two of them face a hunt they don't have the knowledge to deal with, until Sam starts trying to force answers out of the strange dreams he's been having...

Read the story! A creature we've never seen before, a hunt laced with strange occurrences, and Smith & Wesson. What more could you need?

This is the cover I made for the story. What drew me to the original prompt (besides Smith/Wesson as the pairing) was seeing the opportunity to draw my own version of the Green Man. While I'm terrible at drawing faces and bodies, I'm great at still life's and abstract nature. At least, I think I am :) Anyway, I had a great time drawing the Green Man, telling people it was a tattoo I wanted to get when they asked! Media was colored pencil and India Ink. Here is the unaltered original image that I drew.

This illustration was my view of the Heritage Garden created for the story, using photographs of one of my favorite places in the world, the Unitarian Cemetery in Charleston, SC. It's overgrown and beautiful, and strangely creepy just like in the story. Plus there were so many cool renditions of the Green Man already, I decided to use one here.

Another collage :) I made the gate for the Heritage Garden and thought it would be a shame not to use it somewhere, so I created this minor collage with the eaten away feeling from the Green Man's overgrown vines.

Just something fun I put together using a few story elements. Dean Smith's Prius, a leaf I drew, the Pagan symbol for Spring, and another Green Man motif, every present in the story. I meant this to turn into something else, but couldn't manage it in the end. Still, I like the fun randomness ;)


Big thanks to inalasahl for putting up with me, and obviously for writing a fun piece of Smith/Wesson fiction! The world needs much more of this pairing, I think :) I'm glad we were able to make it through this!

Thanks to the mods at samdean_otp for running this challenge and for staying on top of things! I had a great time making story art for only the second time :P And thanks to dugindeep for acting as my unwilling art beta :P

And of course, thanks for viewing!

art!, smith/wesson

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