I can't believe we're halfway through November.

Nov 12, 2010 12:25

I wish my boss looked like Dean Smith. I wish ANYONE I worked with looked like Dean Smith. ♥

My hiatus has been totally unintentional, I swear! Besides an upswing in my work activity -- and longer hours to go with it -- I've been consumed by my latest story which today passed 20,000 words. Is there a Big Bang I can randomly participate in? ;) I had no idea it would turn out this long! But, the end is in sight, I'm serious! And none too soon, I can't wait to get back to the CSI 'Verse and my, much lighter and much more humorous, spn_j2_xmas story. The snark it will have! And it's going to be Smith/Wesson, so GET EXCITED NOW.

I'm also thinking about signing up for j2_everafter, but it's not a must. I came up with a story idea I'm really excited about, but if the prompt gets claimed before I can get it, I'll just take it as a sign that I need to be working on other things. But, it's not a prompt that screams J2, since there's no classic romance in the original plot, but I intend to go off of the sub/original material of the story more than the Disney version. Much more fun that way. Anyone else signing up? What's your prompt, tell me!

But yes, rumors of my fandom-death have been greatly exaggerated :) I've written a couple of comment!fics I'll repost (nice and edited) later.

fandom, writing

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