Friday Recs v. 7.0

Sep 17, 2010 21:31



There's no reason why these are all short but seriously porny. NO REASON AT ALL. Don't look at me like that.

standing_fic | under harvest moon
Sam/Dean. 4,300 words. NC17.
supernatural wolf-bite/saliva makes the winchesters go crazy | fuck-or-die, power struggles, impregnation kink
The entire thing was hold-your-breath hot -- the breeding, the filth Sam was talking and everything Dean was thinking. HOLY SHIT. Go read this. Why are you still here? GO. COME BACK LATER.

andreth47 | Last Call
Sam/Dean. 3,400 words. NC17.
For the salt_burn_porn prompt of 'closing time.'
This fic contained some scorchingly hot images and I love the idea of Dean needing and taking when he gets fed up with Sam's obliviousness. Awesomely well-written porn.

saltnburnbaby | I'll Give It To You Slowly, Till You're Just Begging Me
Jared/Jensen. 3,554 words. NC17.
Jared comes home after a two-week business trip to find that Jensen has made very good use of their time apart.
Bossy!Jensen is just as good as Toppy!Jensen in my book. Handcuffing Jared and having his way with him? Yes, I'd like another.

dragonspell | Not Long At All
Sam/Dean. 5,430 words. NC17.
It wasn’t long ago that Dean had punched his brother in the face for letting him think that Sam had been dead all those months. It was five years ago to the day that they’d hit Rock City and seven years since Sam had shown up on the doorstep. Compared to those ten months that he’d thought that Sam had been dead, it wasn’t very long at all.
Future!fic is such a weakness of mine. This goes beyond Sam and Dean reuniting in Season 6 and brings us to an ending I can believe in. Clean writing and intimate, comfortable sex that manages to be scorching at the same time.


Oh, Big Bang. I'm sorry. I am getting through stories soooooooooooooooo slowly, I apologize.

anamuan | I Know What a Prince and Lover Ought to Be
Jared/Jensen. 33,360 words. NC17.
There are two things that young Prince Jensen knows: a) the Padaleckis are liars and traitors, and b) Jay is his best friend. Unfortunately, while it is quite easy to avoid Padaleckis, it's rather difficult to sneak out into the woods to play with Jay, so it takes a long time for them to collect the magic pebbles Jay needs so he can wish for a puppy.
I still haven't read many Big Bangs, but this one stood out for me. The story is sweet and serious at the same time, and while the story suffers just slightly from an over-abundance of information that doesn't quite add to the world building (there were a few times the details bogged down the pace), the world was well put together. A very happy ending with well-written UST. Plus, I'm a total sucker for mistaken identities, and pairing that with royalty was a pretty sure thing :)

friday recs

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