Friday Recs v. 3.0

Feb 19, 2010 10:43

It's really quite sad, the amount of fic I have not been able to read these past few weeks. And every time I feel like settling in for a nice, long evening read, I remind myself of how many fics I need to be working on, and how worthless I've been with writing lately. Anyway, here are a few recs of stories I have been able to rec over the last few weeks, hopefully one or two you haven't had the chance to get to. ♥ Enjoy!



Legend of the Seeker: Cracky Recaps
Legend of the Seeker is one of those shows I love, but don't feel the need to be in the fandom for. But, I can assure you that it's a FUN fandom. The highlight of which are deej's Cracky Recaps, which combine screencaps, media, GIFs, polls, and a very special brand of crack to post these episode reviews. It also helps that she, along with a good part of fandom, don't squabble over the different ships. It's all ♥ for Cara/Kahlan, Cara/Richard/Kahlan, Cara/Richard, Cara/Everyone, Richard/Kahlan, and on and on. If you watch this show, even casually, they're worth taking a look at. If you don't watch, scan through anyway because this show has some serious eye-candy. And it should be noted that Bridget Regan, one of the stars, linked to the recaps from her Twitter, and made it clear that the cast totally approves of the crack and laughs everytime.


joans23 | Tokyo Nights
Jared/Jensen. Jared knows that flying all over the world to promote yourself is part of the business, but it doesn't mean he has to like it. One night in Tokyo, a hooker named Jensen and a favor from Chad later, he's ready to give it all up. 5,800 words. NC17.
Joan *swears* that she cannot write porn. But ladies and, um, ladies, SHE WRITES PORN. Fantastically well. Hooker!fic can be really hit or miss for me, since I have a huge aversion to one-sided affection or people being used for sex. Do Not Want. This story is scorching hot, and leaves you with a heart-warming payoff. Not to be missed.

tinalia | The Radio Wedding 'Verse
Jared/Jensen. Jensen's family attempt to find him a mystery bride as part of a radio contest. When Jared is the one that meets him at the altar, the two embark on a marriage that neither of them expected. Really quite long :). PG-NC17 by chapter.
I've kept up with it since tinalia first posted it, and it was a good, shmoopy, romantic, and friendshippy story. I know its not the most realistic idea for a story, but it takes you through friendship leading to more, and how J2 discover all kinds of intimacy, and learn that loving your best friend is easy, but really loving someone is a whole new game. Lots of happiness, a fair amount of angst, and a story to curl up with on a cold afternoon.

cirramin | I'm an artist, not a boar
Jared/Jensen. Jared has a massive college-epic crush on sandwich-maker Jensen, and no nerve to ask him out. Then there are condom issues. 1,600 words. R.
A cute little college AU with a "can't keep his thoughts to himself" Jared, and a clever Jensen - written for the TFLN meme.

paxlux | Crack the spine, let the words fall out
Dean/Sam. They read to the ticking of the clock. 9,100 words. PG13.
This is the kind of story that you read and smile, and later you think about it again and get the same warm feelings that you did when you finished it. The story is smart, Dean and Sam are smart in ways that are believably canon, and the story reads effortlessly.

elizah_jane | On the Shores of the Great Lake
Dean/Castiel. The problem with the war between Heaven and Hell is that it’s never actually over. The problem with being one of God’s chosen warriors is that you can always get called back into the fray. 11,000 words. NC17.
Even if you don't read Dean/Castiel, I encourage you to read this anyway for the story behind it all. Taking place in 3014, Castiel is still around and there's a divide between The Faithful and The Hunters. Lucifer isn't really dead, and there are two brothers, DJ and Caleb, who learn the story of Dean and Sam Winchester as relayed by their overly-religious teachers. It's just a GOOD story, with a lot of love between Dean and Sam, no matter where or when they are, and a couple of really sweet details about Sam's life that Dean never knew. In 3014, Castiel and some new hunters, have another chance to take on Lucifer. As I told the author: "Okay, I'm not normally a Dean/Castiel girl, but I can never resist a good story, and that's what this was! A great read, intriguing and letting us fill in the blanks you left for us."

kyliselle | How High The Moon
James Kirk/Spock [Star Trek - Abrams Universe]. After the destruction of Vulcan, Spock shielded his mind to protect it from his broken bond with T'Pring. Little did he know another bond had already formed in its place. Under 30,000 words. NC17.
Okay, so I *swore* I wasn't going to get into the new-Trek fandom, and I'm doing pretty well with that so far. However, every once in a while a story will catch my attention. This one, I've already read twice. Honestly, I'm not all that attracted to ANY version of Spock, but Chris Pine is FINE LIKE WHOA, and throw in some good angst and romance? Voila. The Jim-bonds-with-Spock trope is done over and over in this fandom, but I think this one did it well, though it's probably WAY more romantic and melodramatic to quite fit canon. STILL GOOD, and a fun read, and I promise you don't have to know much beyond a viewing of the latest Star Trek movie. Again, Chris Pine is HOT.

fandom, friday recs

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